Sunday, January 1, 2012

A whole new year in which to run my butt off.

It appears that I have not blogged in just about a month. I suppose I should have seen this coming. December is always a rough month to get anything done. My running definitely took a hit. I have started using my rec center pass to run indoors when it's cold. The only problem with that track is that it takes 6 and 1/4 laps to make a mile. So the 8 mile run that I did there totaled 50 laps. It's absolutely mind numbing. The weather has been really cooperative for winter, however. I have been able to get out and about for my runs, thanks to the lack of snow. I even managed a festive Christmas Eve run in a Santa hat. My mile time has been improving this month, despite my lack of consistency. I'm now averaging close to an 11 minute mile instead of my usual standard 12 to 12.5 minute miles. My hope is that I'll be able to finish my first marathon in less than 5 hours. It's hard to fathom running for 5 solid hours... But I want that finisher medal, and I want it bad.

My motivation for 2012 has been renewed by my acceptance into the Canyonlands Half Marathon in March. So now I have to be race ready even earlier. I will also be supplementing my Moab running adventure by going skydiving after the race. Hopefully, I won't have a heart attack when I jump out of the plane. I guess you'll all know if I die, since there won't be any more posts if I do. Here's hoping for more posts!

Happy new year everyone!

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